Studio Setup Help!


New member
Ok, so ive been trolling this forum for months now picking up various techniques and what not. But after finding a few posts I have a feeling that my studio is set up to fail. Allow me to explain.. But in order to do so i must explain my gear:
Behringer 2442 mixer
Presonus Firestudio 2626
Presonus Bluetube stereo
FMR RNC (compressor)
Behringer MDx4600 compressor/limiter/gate
and a pair of Rokit 8 Studio Monitors
All Running into Logic Pro 8

Heres my problem. I just found out that its not good to run from preamp to preamp to preamp, and that is exactly what ive been doing for a while now. Running the preamp to the behringer 2442 then direct outing that to the firestudio using the compressor as an insert to the mixer. That means that i am currently running through 3 preamps. I guess what im looking for is some help as to how to get the most out of my current gear. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance!
I mean, you could just skip the mixer completely but it's probably not that big of a deal as long as you're not gain-staging all weird from one to another. In other words, you'd have essentially two gain at the preamp and maybe another at the comp. Like I said though, you could just hit the comp right after the pre, then go to the interface. The mixer probably isn't doing anything good for you.

First of all, you don't have to worry about preamp-preamp thing, the 2626 is capable of accepting line level signals on channels 3-8, no problem whatsoever..

That being said, there's a bunch of ways to set that gear up -

I'd probably put the bluetube -> RNC -> 2626, your 'golden channels' so to speak. So channels 3-4 on the 2626 for that.

You could use 4 pre's on your mixer and route them thru the mdx gate/comp thingy, that uses up the 4 other line-ins on channels 5-8 on the 2626. The 2442 has direct outs, you have a 4 channel mdx, so you have the option. If you dont need the mdx, you're better off plugging mics directly into the 2626, those pre's are better.

That leaves you with channels 1-2 open, plug mics right into there, or DI your bass or whatever.. You have the inserts on those 2 channels, so you could get a patchbay and quickly switch your RNC between the bluetube and the 2626 inserts.
Would running my preamp through the line in on the 2442 then through the direct outs to the 2626 into one of the line channels be like the same thing? What i mean is would it bypass the pres on the 2442 similar to how it would be bypassing on the 2626? Or is there no way of bypassing the 2442s pres? Im just curious because i really like the convenience of having a mixer to physically work with, but i would rather not compromise the quality if it is going to do so. Thanks for the responses!
Your 2442 has a couple stereo line-in channels with no pre right? Run your bluetube into one of those. On the channels that DO have a pre, I dont think you can bypass them, but you can set it to 0 gain. Then you can use your 2442 for a monitor / headphone mix and still record full signals. If your stereo channels don't have direct outs, you can send them to an aux pair and use that.