Sound leak through Floor?


New member
Hey I have a bulding somewhat like a mobile office but not as cheap persay interioir and quality. Problem being is that it's in my back yard and thats where my band practises and no matter what the cops continuously get called from the trailer park behind my house. There is no real foundation for the jam room it sits on railroad ties I believe and there is no skirting.It sits about 1 1/2 feet off theground. So is the sound coming through the floor mostly or what?


[Edited by Dioxide on 11-14-2000 at 17:23]
DO2.. you are in shit trouble.. you will have to seal the boundary around the base of the other way. Most sound will be coming through the walls and some will be coming from the floor, at least the floor can be sealed off, brick, timber, earth, ..hey how about an earth wall!! around the building? - oh trailer park..

The main bleed will be the bass and drums, (low frequencies)maybe mount the bass amp on some old tyres and put the drums on a riser

I did plan on putting up a skirting to seal it off. But what material do you suggest using for it that won't break the bank.
As for the interior of the floor I have a buttload of 1' 1/2 x 1'1/2 carpets backed with rubber would it do any good to use these on the floor to top some of the vibration.
