Pro tools

I got a problem which i couldnt install Pro tools 7 and i dont know how to upgrade to 8 ! please help !

For starters there's a Pro Tools section of this forum, you might get a little more help there.

You have to tell us about your problem. I don't even know you have a computer at this point. That would be my first suggestion. :)

Describe your problem, search it and then see if you can find any answers. I doubt you're the first that have posted about this problem...

Good luck, eric
You do know that protools needs to be used with digi gear right? What OS are you using? Have you ever used pro tools before? Have you ever had it installed on the system in question before?
I got a problem which i couldnt install Pro tools 7 and i dont know how to upgrade to 8 ! please help !

You cannnot install an upgrade unless you already have the earlier version (the upgrade is for) installed.

This is the way manufacturer's stop people from ripping off their software.

So if you need 7 to upgrade to 8 - and you cannot install 7 - then you are SOL unless you can contact Protools, verify that you are indeed a owner of a liscensed copy of their product - at which time they will make whatever arrangements they need to make to fix things for you.

...or you could skip PT altogether. Maybe this is your chance to free yourself from Digi tyranny.


I actually think Im going to deliver myself TO the digi tranny. Ive been looking at commercial artists in their or (other peoples) studios and they always always always have digi gear. Although im not forkin over big bucks. Im going to try out the m box or something like that and see how pro tools treats me.

ive also figured out that my wireless keyboard sucks and i type too fast for it cause it always leaves out letters... go figure a microsoft product. Im going back to wired keyboard and mouse.
Although im not forkin over big bucks. Im going to try out the m box or something like that and see how pro tools treats me.

See, that's the WILL fork over the big bucks if you want to stay with Digi. Sure, they rope you in to LE cheap but from there on it's painful.

I usually tell people Digi has the industry by the balls. ;)


You have to admit, they did a great job predicting the rise of the DAW then marketing for the coming wave. It's a textbook example of how to corner a market. Welcome to capitalism. :mad:

And every time, $75 disappears out of my wallet.

In all seriousness, though, the bottom line is the Pro Tools is the industry standard and quite honestly, I like it. :) I don't like coughing up $75 to $150 for every update, and I usually don't, actually, but its still all good.
