HELP! HELP! He..........................lp!


New member
I know this has probably been asked a thousand times, so I'm going to ask for the 1,001 time. I want to turn my closet into a vocal booth. I really don't want to put bed spreads on the wall but, if that's what it takes I will do it. Is there any type of material that I can purchase from a store like Mars that will help me soundproof my closet.
yea im thinking heavily hung closets. i mean dense . to its also like you know like a good 40 inch shoulder shirts and blazers or jasckets hanging. or else you'll just cut al the highs, humnas still have some bass in their voice!
John Sayers said:
All of the above :)

Oh a couple of round fat girlfriends would help :D

That's great John... :)

Do you want the room to be sound proof, or to just sound good? The clothes on the walls will work for making it sound pretty good, but won't do all too much in the sound proofing department. Or do you just not even know? :) haha. That happens too a lot.
The closet is too small to add clothing or anything else to hang. In fact, I have removed my shelf in the closet to make room. Too answer your question: I know I won't actually be able to totally soundproof the closet without spending alot so I was thinking of putting up auralex in the closet because I don't want to drown out any tonal frequencies that I will have to eq to add back.
Well then get some insulation (you call it foam??) Look around some works better than others - what you want is something that will aborb the lower frequencies as well. we have a product "insulco" that absorbs down to 125HZ. Then put it on one wall - face the other wall and the mic will then face the insulated wall and you'll be cool :cool:
Who makes Insulco? I'm too lazy to use a search engine, would love to know how much it cost you, etc. Available here in US? (kidding about lazy thing, would like to have it on this site for reference...)

Thanks, sorry for the hassle...
I'll look into it Kelly cos you US guys should have access to it. I'll do the search and see what I can get
John :)