App for hosting files on my server for clients


New member
I know something has to exist out there. I've seen it done before. I want to install an app on my web server for my studio that will allow me to post mixes on the web so my client can log in and download their mixes or also upload files under their user id for me.

Anyone know anything about this?
Easy file sharing webserver works for me.
There is a link to forums on the main page of my website for an example of what I'm doing.
You could also run an FTP server on your webserver. I'm trying that right now also. You setup an account for the user and give them the info.
Anyone have any other options? I want something server-side that I can set up a login page for. I searched for the above in installable apps on GoDaddy and didn't find anything. FileZilla looked fairly confusing and I wasn't sure if I could install it server-side. I don't want anything where a client has to install something on their computer.

I may resort to just the typical FTP via Windows method.
I researched a bit more and it appears FileZilla will work server-side. But I'm still curious as to how I create a custom login page for my users and validate their credentials for FileZilla...hhmmm...


Okay, maybe not. Perhaps I was not clear. This isn't actually MY web server. It is GoDaddy's web server. I have a hosting account with them.
i've never run or hosted a server, so i'm not sure how that app (or any) will work. will GoDaddy allow you to install apps since they are hosting your server/site?

i guess an option is to just send them a download link to the files that you could store on your site.

scratch that last one. you need them to upload too.