What to do with the lyrics I have written?


New member
OK, so I have written a lyric (9 lines). I feel it's really really good. So what do I do now if I plan to sell it midway?
Write a song.
People don't buy partial songs of a few lines.
A song is music and lyrics, the whole package. If good, and one has the connections, then possibly it could get sold.
Sorry buddy, you're on your own. You either have the connections, or have the contacts to develop the connections, but no one is going to give them to you.

It really is one of those 'if you have to ask' things.
Geography isn't the restriction that it once was. There are plenty of ways to meet people and network online.
Of course, I'm not saying it'll be easy. ;)
There are online music collaboration sites (no, I don't know any). Or find some players near you. 9 lines is not a whole song. And with an odd number of lines, I suspect your experience in songwriting is little to none - odd number of lines creates an unstable feel, which can be used - if you know what you are doing musically.
But many songs have just 6 lines, repeated over and over.

I wrote a song that had just one word, 'Uruguay', which I repeated over and over in a chant. That doesn't make it a good song. And six lines repeated over and over doesn't make a good song. Nor does your nine lines.

But it could be.

You need to find someone who can give it musical context. Otherwise it's just nine lines.

If you felt inclined, you could post those nine lines here. Maybe they might be inspirational enough for someone (like me) to set them to music.
Well, without seeing the lyrics, sort of hard to say anything.
There are some great lyrics out there as well (classics and modern).
Some of them will let u even use it for free. I don't know if writing lyrics is a good business,
without music should be quite tough.