Welcoming Song Reviews. Pick the song you'd like a professional track of. Free MP3


New member
First up for review by me. I worked off and on through out the year coming up with song snippets. Just to demo the ideas.
I'm going to put in a few links. I ask that you reply with a pick of your favorite. I'll finish/final mix and master and release to everyone free as an mp3 as my thanks for your feedback and votes. Any feedback on song structure or general song review is welcome too.

1. 5t0pp3d C01D - Hopefully a hard hitten Rock song, Punch Synth and a catchy rhythm.

2. Gravitas - A song I worked hard on. The mix job here is awful. I learned a lot since then. If you guys like it then I'll remix it.

3. For A New Day - Starts off with a contemplative sound then the drums and synth hit along with the very modern Rock Vocals. Just a snippet.

I never learned song writing professionally but hopefully one day I might make a living out of it. I believe you'll enjoy the tracks and hopefully many more to come.