What vocal tips and exercises worked the most for you?


New member
There are a lot of tips and tricks out there and it is confusing. I just wanted to start a thread about what tips & exercises worked the best or made the biggest difference for you for vocals. I hope this thread will be long and good to be a sticky

I just started out and I haven't taken any lessons. But I do watch some youtube videos.

A few that has made a big difference:

1. Learning to breath with your stomach and anticipate when to take deep breaths
2. Difference between singing through your head and with your chest.
2. When singing into the mic, I just sing slightly off the mic so it is not direct. It takes out the rough or the sharpness of the voice a lot.

These ones I could tell or hear the difference right away. What about you?
Tuning and comping my own vocals. It forces me to listen to them several times over and I learn what was done right and what could use some improvement.
Record your practices and listen, really LISTEN, to what you sound like. I always recommend playing major and minor scales on a piano at 4 second intervals and singing along. Sing an octave (32 seconds) then breathe. Repeat this process until the notes are solid...takes some time to build up the lungs, but you'll be happy you did!
OP asked me to post this from another thread.
I can give you one exercise that helped me when I was younger. My vocal coach said to practice anytime you walk. Inhale for one step and exhale smoothly and evenly for seven. Builds control and diaphragm and breathing and breath timing...As long as you can walk, you can do it. It's free and it's healthy! Good luck!
OP asked me to post this from another thread.
I can give you one exercise that helped me when I was younger. My vocal coach said to practice anytime you walk. Inhale for one step and exhale smoothly and evenly for seven. Builds control and diaphragm and breathing and breath timing...As long as you can walk, you can do it. It's free and it's healthy! Good luck!

Thanks Awesome tip! I am gong to try this when i do my walking.

And the walking gets you healthy too!:)