Looking for advice/feedback on vocals


New member
I've been playing acoustic and singing for a while now. Usually in a indie/folk style (kind of). I enjoy playing but i've always had problems with my voice sounding flat/boring. I also think I don't sound like anyone else (maybe theres a reason, right?).

I've done a few open mics but don't get much feedback other than general 'its ok' and a nod of the head, but I really am looking for some advice on how I can improve and sound better
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Improvement comes from three areas: #1 Breathing. #2 Control. #3 Range.
If you seriously want to improve, find a vocal coach. If you're not getting negative from open mic, you probably don't suck :) No way to really tell without hearing you.
Post an example!
I get the feeling form your post that you have not had vocal training. I'am afraid without a clip to listen to, its difficult for me to advise other then to say all singers sing flat from time to time