How's my singing? (Still Into You by Paramore)

That's pretty good. That song doesn't give you much room to breathe between lines sometimes.
Good points - you can hit the low notes without falling apart which is a common mistake. You picked one that is right smack in your singing range - good song choice. You recorded with the music loud enough so we can compare the music to your voice for pitch. You're on the right track. I think you kinda ran out of strength at the end but that's just normal - practice is all you need. Get your breathing a little stronger so you are focusing on your notes not your wind and you can last the whole song. Again this was a busy song so it's one I would do after I was warmed up and got my pipes going. If you decide to keep singing long term I would suggest you pick up some cheap/prosumer recording equipment that will not only make you sound better, it will showcase your voice better.