Double tracking vocals

New here, first post.
Wondering if you sing along to the first track while recording the second?
I got my wife to do a vocal to a scratch guitar track and played back for her. Was pretty good. Asked her to do another but kept the first muted so she again sang only to the scratch guitar. When played back with all three tracks it sounded really good, and her two takes lined up just right with just enough deviation to blend really well. I will be experimenting more, but just wondered how other approach this.

I did a search on "double track vocals" and this thread showed up. In post #36 mjb says "Monitor the last take you did that was good, and try to copy it when recording another take". That's the only indication i see regarding monitoring the first track while recording the second.

Maybe others will respond?


I listen to the first run through of the vocals in my cans while I do my doubling. Sometimes I might pan it off to the right or left and put the vocal I am recording on the other side or in the center (when tracking only. I like to put them together in the center later) so I can hear them apart. You don't want to have the second vocal be exactly the same as the first, but you want it to be pretty accurate.