Am I a decent singer?

You certainly have the raw materials. You get a little pitchy at times, and you sound a little quivery -- as if you're nervous a little bit. But both of things will improve with practice. You have a nice tone to your voice, and I definitely think it's worth pursuing if it brings you joy. Good luck to you. :)
If that clip were your audition I wouldn't give you the job.

You sound hesitant, quiet, and slightly mumbly. You are doing a good job keeping that root note, but your high and low notes away from that root note are all out.

Your vibrato is very fast and tremulous. You should be able to do that, too, but you should learn to control your chest voice. Your chest voice is the one that's way too loud for the shower and the car and all the places you practice singing - I want to hear your chest voice.

You are in the right place. The answer to your question is: "I don't know, can we hear you sing like you really mean it please"?
Strong, pleasant voice and you can hear where the notes are. Sounds to me like you just need practice, imho. Maybe some voice lessons and I'll bet you sound awesome.
Much respect for the a capella post. I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to give advice but I thought vibrato was a bit much and you can probably add more "umph" to the singing without sacrificing pitch. So I guess I somewhat echo Supercreep's advice. I will add that I think your timbre is pretty nice too. Take care.