What would you do?


New member
I have a band that I'm about to record a full length album for. They are a very good band and I've worked with them before and generally like the guys in the band. However one member in the band has posted some really racist stuff on his Facebook page and it makes me uncomfortable. I know I should separate business from personal life, but I know in the back of my mind I'll want to say something to him about what he posts. I wanna unfriend him from my Facebook so I don't have to see the nonsense he post, but I feel like that is ignoring this problem just to make money. I'm trying really hard to not take his post personally because they aren't directed to me, but they're offensive nonetheless. Should I shut my mouth, do the job and take the money or screw the rest of the band members over by rejecting the job because of this guy's offensive post?
I'd just do the job. That said, I wouldn't hold it against you for rejecting it either.

I'm probably on a watch list for some of the stuff I've worked on... One of them, I certainly would have rejected had I known the subject matter (was in a language I didn't understand in the least and turned out to be -- rather violent, politically speaking).
I vote keep your mouth shut and do the job. 'Unfriend' him or whatever if you're so mesmerized by this guy that you can't stop looking at his page, but remember that the freedom to voice one's own opinion, regardless of it's idiocy, is (at least in democratic countries) a social ideal most of us benefit from on a daily basis. Also remember stifling opinions has historically made them more powerful.

Sorry, free speech week in philosophy class, so you get that from me.
What do you get out of taking a stand? Nothing, but the self-congratulatory feeling of missing out on a payday because someone else exercised their right to free expression and it hurt your feelings. Man up. If "racist" comments offend you, fine, but his money still spends. Take it and run. And stop using facebook.
Doing nothing offers tacit approval of the message this person is putting out into the world. Think of the priests and bishops who moved kiddie fiddling priests around to avoid justice. Or maybe the German citizens that lived just outside of Auschwitz that just kept their mouth shut because it was expedient for them.

Do what you want. Maybe the equation looks different to you based on your individual circumstances. I kicked some racist Panzerfaustesque band out of my studio when I found out what they stood for a few years back. Got punched in the face for it. We live in a world of our own making. What kind of world are you making?
Facebook doesn't give people a notifications saying you've removed/blocked someone.

Do the job, take the money, remove the racist. Unless the album has racist content, it shouldn't be a problem.

As Greg said, nothing to be gained.
I'm only gonna record racist bands from now on. I could make a killing off all of that bands the self-righteous studio owners with high morals and no business sense turn away. Bigotry = Big Bucks! :thumbs up: :laughings:
Woah guys, let's be cool. I wasn't posting this to stir up a left vs right. I agree I should take the money, do the job and keep my mouth shut. You know after reading the post, I got to thinking.....had this not been the age of the internet and social media, this guy would have passed through my studio without me ever knowing what his views were. So lesson learned. Don't socialize with clients.
Think of him as a colleague in your place of work. You don't have to agree, like, approve or even care but you do have to work together. Mutual ignorance in the workplace UNTIL he steps over the line in the workplace.
What would I do? Luckily I'm not in your position but I've worked with people of dubious morality or possessed of values I don't embrace.
Hey, if nothing else, take the money and right in front of him, mention that half is going to (whatever charitable organization specializes in assisting whatever race we're talking about in a non-political way).

Win / win. Get paid, make a point, help some peeps out.
Wait! Are you saying that you ran into someone of dubious moral character in the music industry???!!!

That's hard to believe.
So far the facts are as follows. (As I read it)

1) the band is good
2) they are repeat clients
3) you generally like them
4)YOU were offended by his comments.

3 out of 4 aint bad. :D
Put away your personal injuries from being offended and do your job.

It can't be that insanely bad or I imagine
the facebook police would do something.
You can unfollow him on facebook. You will.still be "friends", but you won't see what he posts.

I gotta tell you, if I decided not to work with people who post ignorant, inaccurate, politically stupid, or racist things, I would probably do 1 project a year.

Unless he is being offensive in your studio, it shouldn't affect the business at hand. If it does, it's your problem, not his.