Vocal removal software


New member
Does anyone know of any software (if there is such a thing) that removes vocals from songs? I have heard about this from a friend, but I don't know of any.
Well, i know there is a VSX plugin for Cubase, but can't remember the name right now.. but I just bought a little hardware module from (don't grimmace!) Radio Shack for $50 and it actually works.. at least as well as any software VE i've heard. Ran line-out from my CD player to the unit to my mixer and out came the instrumental without (mostly) voice. Also nice, is that it's portable and has 2 mic inputs WITH REVERB.
There is some software availble. It is made called Analog X vocal remover. There is a full-functino demo available at harmony-central.com ...well somewhere in there. The pluggin is direct x based so it can be used on most programs. It works pretty well. There are still some hints of vocals, and it may cut out the snare drum a bit, but overall. 8 out of 10.

Hope I could help
