Tracktion 3


New member
I don't see much around in the way of reviews of Tracktion 3. I'm wondering if anyone here has any knowledge of it, or if someone [more knowledgeable than myself] would be so kind as to have a look at the two sites below and examine all that stuff, most of which is over my head, and opine as to whether it sounds like a better mousetrap, or what.

Some folks seem to think Tracktion too light in the mixing department, and I'm curious to know if T3 has any significant changes there.

The first URL is a list of new features. The second is a fairly detailed description of the software.

Thanks for any assistance.
I use Tracktion (started with 2 and now 3) and it was the easiest to learn for me. I was and still am a total newbie to recording. But I have tried other software and Tracktion was my final choice. Mackie offers a trial version to use and see if you like it. Click on my soundclick link and listen to some of the recordings I have done using it. Keep in mind Im new at the recording scene, my stuff is pretty simple, but the sound I think is good.
There are some interesting sounds there, BushmasterM4. I quite liked Hillbilly Groove, which didn't sound at all Hillbilly, but was fairly groovy. It sounds like a modern blues-rock thing to me.
Thanks. LIke I said the recording stuff is new to me also and I have only begun to use what Tracktion has to offer.
yeah really man. and nice guitar playing in "it's out there". i really like your stuff alot, and especially my being a metal kinda guy myself, that stuff is really nice and well recorded for a newb.... you seem to be at about the level i'm at with my recording.... maybe even a bit further.
Hello? Hurray! its Alice Cooper, that fella had some wacked out shows! i always got the feeling that he wrote the songs as part of a show as opposed to being just like some other metal acts which try to be scary by singing about death and monsters etc.
where alice always seemed tongue in cheek
that and he had shit hot guitarists

DISCLAIMER- I dont hate metal!!! its one of my main genres but i hate the scary scary lyrics some bands do as it just seems stupid!

on another note those recordings didn't sound bad. But I take it that those were software drums. Was it BFD? or something else
:) I dont sing, as you can tell. I just sometimes do a cover and sing to make it funny. Drums are Sonor Force 3005. Im using a sm57 on the snare and Audix mics on the bass drum, each tom (3) and two overheads. Here are some pics of some of the stuff in my studio. Hillbilly Groove, Rolling Along, Rag and Easy Does It are drum loops. The other tunes are drums. Im gonna replace the loops on the ones I mentioned with real drums soon. Rolling Along I replaced drum loop but havent uploaded it yet. I record to a loop and replace the drums when Im done. Unless my son is around (he is the drummer) Then he plays the drums as I play guitar.



That sho' is one per-ty lookin' kit!
Dunno if its any good but it sounds nice on the recordings so i presume so!!!

Never been a Peavy fan though, i'm sure the Jsx sounds nice!
I'm a 2203 user myself! (no clips of it though :( )
BushmasterM4 said:
:) Im gonna replace the loops on the ones I mentioned with real drums soon.

Yes, the real drums sound better. Is the Sonor product considered a good one?
Do loops ever sound as good as the real thing?

Were these tracks done with T2 or t3?

Reilley said:
Do loops ever sound as good as the real thing?

They often are real! but no as they aren't "tailored" to the track as a real drummer would make his/her drums "fit"

unless the guitar is written to the drums to fit in with them but then you run the risk of destroying the melody for timing
Yes loops are real recordings of drums. Better than a click track. And I guess if I spent the time I could create a track using all loops (fills, cymbals, etc..) but the fun is playing the actual drums. Im not a drummer by trade, but I love to play them and Im getting better. Sonor in my opinion offers the best quality in drums today. I looked at all the brands before buying the set I have. They were a little more than say Pearl or Tama, but the hardware is a lot better. They offer sets in all price ranges.
Hi there Im just starting a recording hobby. I bought mackie profx8 mixer and tracktion 3 basic bundle. My problem is when I import an instrumental in track 1, then i'll record a vocals on track 2, the instrumentals on track 1 was also recorded in track 2 together with my vocals. Is there anyone who can help? Thank you! =)
HI Reilley, seems like you have enough idea about tracktion, can you help me with this?

Hi there Im just starting a recording hobby. I bought mackie profx8 mixer and tracktion 3 basic bundle.

Yesterday, I tried to start a recording trial, my problem was when I record a vocals, I'm hearing it over the monitors or headphones in a delayed manner, so I was distracted in recording my vocals. Thet now, my problem is when I import an instrumental in track 1, then i'll record a vocals on track 2, the instrumentals on track 1 was also recorded in track 2 together with my vocals. Is there anyone who can help? Thank you! =)
Hi bushmaster, Im new to recording and im using tracktion 3.

Hi there Im just starting a recording hobby. I bought mackie profx8 mixer and tracktion 3 basic bundle.

Yesterday, I tried to start a recording trial, my problem was when I record a vocals, I'm hearing it over the monitors or headphones in a delayed manner, so I was distracted in recording my vocals. Thet now, my problem is when I import an instrumental in track 1, then i'll record a vocals on track 2, the instrumentals on track 1 was also recorded in track 2 together with my vocals. Is there anyone who can help? Thank you! =)
Sorry for just now responding. Been pretty busy. You need to click the settings tab in Tracktion then select audio and change the latency. Click on the latency button about half way down and select the lowest ms setting that doesnt cause any pops or clicks. Anything below 11ms or lower should correct the delay. On super fast pc's 3ms should be easily obtainable. But on slower pc's it will cause pops and clicks when recording. I have mine set a 6 and it works great.
Am willing to pay for hardrive with an authorised version of tracktion 3 on it

hi there,

to you or any other person who has tracktion 3 (not 2,4,5,6,7) downloaded and authorized on their harddrive

i'm willing to pay a hundred bucks for that hardrive.

you may not know but it is now impossible to authorize tracktion 3 as they've stopped supporting it.

this would suite someone who doesn't use tracktion 3 but has an authorized version
I don't have T3, but I'm curious as to why you want T3 specifically? Did it have some feature that's not available in T4, T5, T6, or T7?