top general tom mic's ?


New member
Hi out there! I currently own a private demo/project studio, which is my lifelong dream to build and have, it's now in full operation!! My question is micing toms. My fave setup is the minimal approach, two o-heads, kick, and snare. Unfortunately nu-metal bands want to hear all the attack, which is understandable.Right now I have a cheap Nady set, they work but they aren't up to par with the rest of the mics! I am on somewhat of a slim budget, and I think micing all the toms and snare with sm57's would be fine but costly, (I only have one currently) Is there another mic anyone could recommend that would be comparable to the 57 for a cheaper price? Let me know, thanks!! Paleface/Tim
The closest thing to a 57 is a 57. You might as well just buy them. You can probably find good deals on them since you are buying more than one.
buy used

they are only 45-50 bucks in most cases. That is about as cheap as its going to get for the amount of use you will get out of them.
All of my favorite tom mics (421, N/D408, 414) cost a lot more than SM57's. But I've never been a big fan of 57's on Toms.
Most metal uses triggers in addition of microphones for more attack... in our homerecording world drumagog will do.

DeadPoet said:
Most metal uses triggers in addition of microphones for more attack... in our homerecording world drumagog will do.


yep, you could probably get away with one OH and a lot of triggers and maybe an alesis DM5 or equivalent.

that would get you that sound. pretty cheaply too.
DeadPoet said:
Most metal uses triggers in addition of microphones for more attack... in our homerecording world drumagog will do.


yep, you could probably get away with two OH and a lot of triggers and maybe an alesis DM5 or equivalent.

that would get you that sound. pretty cheaply too.
Sennheiser e604s on toms in my opinion. Sm57s will work but not my favorite. You can get the e604s in a 3 pack for $300 most anywhere.

Deadpoet - Do you have proof that most metal bands use triggers? I dont know very many that do.

I'm not a metal player, but I play regularly with people who are. For that kick sound, you'll want a) twso kick microphones, one inside, one at the beaters' side or b) triggers added to the original... (*klik* from hell ;) )

Proof in a sense of 'do you know bands who've done that' or 'show me a site' ... nope, don't have that, but if you know Nirvana used samples for snares and kicks, I guess triggering the whole kit won't be far away.

Wait a minute ... Rammstein, you know them ? Big chance they're using triggers..

Herwig (likes 57's because he has them, prefers MD421's but only has one so far, kind of bored with e604's -> over here almost all PA companies and small studios use them)
Alright thats cool.

I actually dont know a whole lot about metal. But what i do know ive never heard of them using triggers. I just wanted to see if you had support for the comment. Just kinda seemed like you were assuming they used triggers because they got such a different sound.

Anyway, ill have to check that out.
