Pro Tools DAE error help PLEASE!!!!

Texas Slim

New member
Fellow Big Brains,

I'm getting an error when I'm opening Pro Tools Le 6.1 with DIGI002RK rack. Error reads:

-DAE Resource Fork File cannot be found (-9149)-

Has anybody seen this before and if so, how can i fix it. Everytime it happens I have to unInstall and reInstall. It happens everytime I close Pro Tools and try to reopen.

Could this be compatibility issue between Windows Xp Media Edition (which i've never seen before)?

Should I wipe the drive and just put XP Professional on there?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

That is an interesting error message for XP. A "fork file" is a resource file for a Mac. What I believe the message is trying to tell you is that you need to increase your buffer size. To do this go to Setups->Playback Engine->DAE Buffer.

I keep mine set at Level 4 and have not had a problem (knock on wood!)

I run on the Windows XP Home Edition. I would bet that the media edition is requiring the Mac fork files in order to set up Quicktime. If the above fix doesn't work, you may want to get the XP Home Edition. It is about $99 at Frye's in Houston.

Good Luck!
For what it's worth, many DAE errors I've seen has been caused by Norton Antivirus. If you're running autoprotect on it, the first thing I'd suggest you try is to disable autoprotect.

I'm on a Mac so it's not very useful to you, but turning off Norton autoprotect changed my ProTools world. No more little annoying errors about files not being ready, can't do this, etc.

Good luck.
