im on a $300 budget and i need a mic and audio interface....


New member
Ive been looking on guitar center ive found the mic that i want but i really need help with choosing an audio interface... can you have a good mic with an $50 audio interface ? or which mic/audio interface will give me the best sound quality
Craigslist can be your friend!

I picked up a used Fast Track II for $35. I've seen Fast Track Pro's for around $85.

The "best sound quality" is a pretty subjective term. Can't really help you there.
You can buy a good mic and audio interface for $300. Best sound quality depends on a lot of factor. I suggest you ask the worker at Guitar Center this question and see what he/she recommend.

Get his recommendations then try to look for it on craiglist. A lot of people are selling their musical equipment on craiglist. Do some research!
Only ask the guy at GC if you think he really knows what he is talking about (rare!) Don't skimp on your interface, you will just want to be upgrading in the future.

Shure SM58 microphone is great and costs around $100, plus M-Audio pro or Tascam 144MkII audio interfase which are around $160. You will be happy.
Only ask the guy at GC if you think he really knows what he is talking about (rare!)

Most of those guys don't know their head from their ass. They will give you any bullshit story to get you to spend your money. When I was looking for a reamp box, I asked the sales guy in the recording section about the Radial X amp. He look at me like I had six heads and told me reamping was physically impossible, but if I wanted I could buy a DI box in case they make a reamping box in the future. What a retard. I went home and ordered the X amp online....... from the GC website none the less! That company is a joke.
That company is a joke
Had to chime in on this as I was there the other day looking to purchase the Axiom pro 61 midi controller. After the retard GC employee went to "check stock" he came back w/a ridiculous price of like $559 or something. So I pulled up their online price gurantee thing and showed him it can be bought for $447. w/FREE shipping. Needless to say he wasted time trying to sell the guy ahead of me insurance on monitors for 15 minutes, really? insurance on monitors??? GC employee"Uh you know you might knock em over, blah, blah" Really? Knock over my monitors? WOW! So I left and ordered it brand new w/warranty for $400. with FREE shipping off of eBay. I just go there occasionally to play with gear. EVERYTIME I try to get a deal there I am reminded that they are straight garbage. I have no clue how they stay in business. Who pays those prices for gear??? I can and have gotten twice as much gear for the prices they charge....Anyway rant over.
I have bought a large condenser microphone, mbox 2 mini (2 inputs), and recording software all for around 280$. Can't be more satisfied with the equipment.