Stack VS Combo


New member
Heres a really dumb question considering how long Ive been playin and how much equipment Ive gone through but still I want to know. Is there a real difference between the sound and properties of a stack vs a combo.

Heres my thing: Ive fallen in love with Mesas. I dont know why I never noticed them after all these years using Fenders, Voxs, Marshalls and Peaveys but Ive lately been crankin every model I can find at stores and Ive decided the heartbreakers are definitly me. With the Mesas I dont think cutting through a mix or being overpowered is a problem. Hell, Ive seen someone use a Mark something 1x10 combo against another bass and guitar stack and cut through. The thing is Im not sure whether to go with the 2x12 combo or the head. The only difference is the added speakers and if in the future I want a wall of sound setup I should be able to just add another cab.

I guess my question is, does what Im saying make sense? Is there any difference besides the obviouse difference of different cabs but besides that. Confusing. I know if I use different cabs the sound will change. But lets say Im using a 2x12 extention cab with the same speakers through the combo. Does it make any difference in how the amp performs or sounds as if I just had a head and a 4x12 cab? Is it less or more flexable?

Ive heard alota people say that with some of the combo amps out there, the stacks are just a pride thing like having a big dick. Its just a "Im a guitarist and heres my big stack" kinda thing.

Any thoughts or technical responces?
a big stack is a dick thing.

But the difference in sound is closed back vs open back. I'm reading that you know the difference between those two. Thats the only difference, given that the same amp is in the head as is built into the combo. IN theory, if you get an open back 2x12 cab, it should sound the same as a 2x12 combo, if it has the same specs and the SAME SPEAKERS. BUT a 4x12 closed back cab sounds HELLA different from an open back 2x12.

Mesa used to make 2x12 and 4x12 cabs that have half the speakers open back and the other half closed,maybe they still do.I've got the Nomad 2x12 combo,nice amp.I thought it sounded a lot better than the 1x12.I think they give you a back to put on the Heartbreaker xtension cab to make it closed back if you want to.
I'd rather have a big dick than a big stack any day!
I mean I already have a ....... oh never mind.
I've seen as many club acts with combos as I have colliseum acts with stacks, and one is not better than the other, they're just suited to different styles. If I could, I'd have one of each.
