Parallel Processing


Okay, I'm still learning new stuff, but when I found out Reason's desk is based on an SSL 9000, I just had to see...and sure enough you can create parallel channels as easy as right clicking the channel! This opens up a whole new way of processing for me. Process effects on separate channels and mix the original with the fx, comp, boosts. Adds clarity to vocals instead of making mud. Adds zing, punch and sizzle to drums. Fun stuff. Gotta get to work and try some stuff!
I say go for it and enjoy, explore and have fun.
Phase two' after you sus it out for a while, is getting back to seeing where and what the parallel path' can allow -that is actually unique. (ie can't be done in the (simpler) serial stream.

Hmm.. I didn't mean that to be a buzz' kill.
Hopefully rather a stepping off point to kicking it around some more? :)
One thing to monitor on parallel paths is latency. If you are adding more processing to one path than the other, the chances are there will be some sample delay on that channel. I always add a sample delay plugin in the last available insert of each channel to line them up again to avoid any phasing issues.
One thing to monitor on parallel paths is latency. If you are adding more processing to one path than the other, the chances are there will be some sample delay on that channel. I always add a sample delay plugin in the last available insert of each channel to line them up again to avoid any phasing issues.

Thanks, Dave! I'll keep that in mind, but Reason is AMAZINGLY latency low. Everyone says it's only good for dance, trance, EDM and hip hop, but I'm loving this thing and I do prog, country and rock.
I say go for it and enjoy, explore and have fun.
Phase two' after you sus it out for a while, is getting back to seeing where and what the parallel path' can allow -that is actually unique. (ie can't be done in the (simpler) serial stream.

Hmm.. I didn't mean that to be a buzz' kill.
Hopefully rather a stepping off point to kicking it around some more? :)

Doesn't sound like a buzz'kill, sounds like a challenge!
The first thing that hits is adding. Pulverize a vocal and eq it and it sounds like you're singing through mud. Parallel a pulverized vocal and an eq'd vocal and it makes your pronunciation sound BETTER! The combined sound can be sent through a sub (which shows up as a bus with a red fader in Reason), making mixing each tracks parameters mixable into each sub, then each sub is mixable into the overall mix. When you want to automate a parallel, you just automate the fader of the track you're automating. You don't have to automate 10 parameters in one bus, you automate the tracks for those parameters. Gives a fuller, tighter sound.
Second is seamless sweeps. You can go from a flat, reverbless sound to full on WOW by creating the two sounds as subs full of ADDITIVE parameter tracks, get the sound just right on both and then automate a crossfade between the two subs. Cake!
I'm sure there's lots I haven't though out yet, but I'll be working on it.