Optimize My Mic Setup (Vocals)


New member
I was wondering about recording vocals. I’m newer to this than many of you, I’m sure and I need some practical advice.

I have Pro Tools and Logic set up on my laptop, but I’m recording vocals and that’s where it gets tricky for me.

I have an MXL V250 (relatively cheap, but decent) condenser mic and one of those makeshift boxes with the soundproof foam and not a lot else to work with as far as acoustics go.

Maybe it’s positioning, maybe something else.,

but I know there has to be a better way to optimize this.
I'll save my thoughts on (A) using condensers as a default for aggressive vocals especially in (B) an acoustically questionable space.

But I don't understand the problem.
Like Massive I'm aware that you haven't asked a specific question, but...

Your phrase "make shift box" fills me with dread. Make shift boxes stuffed with acoustic foam never work. They always sound "boxy" to coin a phrase. The professional versions (like the sE Reflexion) have a LOT of design involved and still need very careful set up.

There are probably better ways to do some form of temporary acoustic treatment but, at this point, we need more detail from you of the room you're working in and what you're trying to do.