Need Help... Please!


New member
Just purchased Scarlett Solo Studio for my wife for Christmas and I am trying to use it with Audacity on her desktop with no results.
One question I have is, should she have gotten some type of software with this equipment? She got nothing. I wasn't sure if there was special site to go to and Record.
Would appreciate any assistance. Thank you!
Sorry! I connected the Interface to the PC with the USB connection. Plugged in the Mic and Headset. I then wen to Audacity and hit record thinking I should be able to just start recording....wrong! lol
I know I am doing something (if not everything) wrong. The Interface was lit up so I know that was working. Can I not use this equipment with this software?
I have the 2nd Generation version.

Okay good to go. It was a long night last night, got very little sleep. The reason it would not record is because (so ashamed) did not turn it on...LOL Hope 2018 turns out to be a better year.
Happy New Year!
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