iO2, Win 7 and LEVELS!


Well-known member
Some of you might have read in "Reviews...." that I have just bought a S/H Alesis iO2?

Well today I started reading the manual! Locked onto a sidebar about the four meter LEDS...."Record as high as possible without hitting "0". Ideally peak to -6 or -3"

B.O.L.L.O.C.KS! Even if that were true it is not possible, well not with an SM57 and a HUMAN voice! Sure, with the mic gain at only 75% rotation I could get "Mary" averaging -20ish in Samplitude and so there is plenty of gain in hand but the AI's LEDs were not indicating. To get even the neg 20 LED lit took a loud whistle close to the mic and that pushed Samplitude into the red.

The problem is of course VASTLY too much gain set in the Win7 Rec control menu. It was, as usual slammed to 100% and I had to crank it back to ONE! to get the -20 LED to correspond to -20dBFS. When so set the LED meters are then pessimistic, as they should be and the 0 LED lights for about -3dBFS.

This level "miscalibration" twixt hardware and DAW meters is of course only present with AIs that use generic Windows USB drivers but many noobs just "Plug n Play" so there are probably thousands out there making over level even distorted recordings.

NEG Twenty RULES kids!
