Biggest Problem


New member
You know, after having equipment for about a week now, I've discovered that the most difficult thing about recording my music is that I never realized how much of a perfectionist I am. :D
It's a lot easier to play OR record than to play AND record, huh?

That's why every studio needs a tapeop girl.:D

Get Stacy to engineer while you play and sing!
Yo Momma Mia:}

Recording is kind of like the Bard's plays; ever since they were penned, people keep doing them over and over and over.

Of course, gear keeps getting better and better and better.

When you realize that you can spend ten hours or more just putzing with reverb on a vocal, well, that's what makes it so much fun.

Green Hornet:p :D :p
Yo Staceysmom! Welcome to the life of a recording artist! Now, you must deal with the great paradox. There comes that time when you have to say, "That's not perfect, because I'm not perfect. I could do it a thousand more times, and I would find a thousand unique ways to screw it up. That's the best I can do. Print it."
On the other hand, there's a time when you have to say, "That's not the best I can do. Take 37, red light on, enable." Knowing the difference between those two situations is what being a self-producer is all about. Good luck.-Richie
More often than not I find my first take is the best. Perhaps not the most note-perfect, but it has the most feeling. SO.. I'm on a mission to try and get everything in one take, even if it means a duff note here or there. I'd rather it was honest and had some emotion than perfect and lifeless.