wish I was five


New member
got wrestless in the old studio last night so I tracked what has to be one of my favorite songs ever!! I wish more people in my state knew this shit! I'd love to play this in a band. Anyway it's a 60s violin basss through a 1978 Music man head.....a lot of the tracks going through a 1978-ish teac M15 board with probably spring reverb fx loop. Also, 1963 Hammond M-101 tube organ which is a great sounding organ. me on all ints. & vocals.

Great song and a great cover. It's very close to the original for me. A few nits here and there in the mix regarding levels but it sounds great as is and I'm not going to bother typing them out as they're minor.

Top job. :thumbs up:
You're going for that 60's sound, yeah?
If you weren't, I'd say that the drums sound very weak but I guess they just did back then.

I'd turn the vocal up slightly. The organ is fighting it a bit.