Uncle Ethan: country drinking songs @ mp3.com

Downloaded all but "earns his keep"...mp3.com kept crapping on that one big time...gave up after four times.....

This is stuff is cool...I liked "man enough to drink" and "shakespeare" the best....the vocals in "man enough" were the great...yeah, I liked "the night I died", too, as well as "ladies man" and "family trad"...but "man" and "shakespeare" ruled....

I dunno...can't nitpick anything...wonder what would happen with a little roomy style reverb to make the songs sound more "live"?...just a thought.....good stuff....gibs
Only had a chance to listen to the first 2 tracks.....some real lyrical genius goin' on here! Your vocal(s) have great energy that come through on the recordings. The vocal also brings out the feel of the lyrical content.In short...GREAT vocals! I felt like I was sittin' at the bar listenin' to a one man show. I'll be back to check out more.
Ethan for the children

Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated. I record the vocal and the guitar simultaneously. I haven't experimented much with reverb, but I'll give it a try. I just got chewed out via email by somebody who said their kids came across the site: "Worse than all the pornography in the world..." - that's harsh. I can't decide if it's a joke, or a serious complaint...Anyway, I did send off a quick apology. Thanks again everybody. Cheers
"Yeah I winced a little when they set my corpse ablaze."

From, "The Night I Died."

You've got my attention!

I D/Led the whole page. 13.9 MB.

Shakespeare irritated me a little; I can't figure out why. The lyrics were clever enough.

Ladies' Man had some awesome lyrical content. Great Delivery as well.

Uncle E Earns his K sounded a little like a very disturbed friend of mine, but more intelligent. I ain't makin' this shit up, just singin' what I see.

Family Tradition struck a chord. Have you tried to get any of this stuff played on Red Green's show. Man you belong at Possum Lodge bigtime.

As to the complainant that e-mailed you. Fuck 'em!
An apology was far too polite. You tastefully provided parental advisories on your page. I repeat. Fuck 'em!

Should you experiment with reverb, make it subtle or risk losing that very spontaneous, on the street, in your face feeling that you've captured in these recordings. ;)
The Red Green Show - I'm a big fan. Hell, I even used duct tape to fix up my old acoustic after I kicked a hole in it when I was drunk. Thank you very much indeed. I'll be uploading a new song for February 1st. Cheers

[Edited by Hector Burns on 01-20-2001 at 18:14]