This Sucks, Begging for Suggestions

I'm hearing some pitchiness in the vocal. Seems like you're capable of handling the vocals (not even sure you need AutoTune). It's a matter of listening to the take and fixing the problems. But there are quite a few pitch problems. The "whoa-a-whoa-ho's" in the chorus could use some three part harmonies and some layers.

The song is missing a low end big time. I can't hear the bass. The drum sounds and the guitar sounds are all small. I think it's a matter of getting better source sounds rather than better recordings or mixing tricks. The vocal is dominating the mix - it's overshadowing everything else.
Vocals really stick out from the rest of the mix. Your vocals are often out of tune and during the sections that aren't totally covered by effects the vocal tone isn't great IMHO.

Also, stylistically I think it sounds too much like the original making it a "pointless" cover, if you get what I mean.