
this is for friends of suggestive soundtracksounds.

Please tell me what impression you get from that piece....

thanks for listenning:

I see a big sweeping helicopter view of NYC on an overcast day with credits rolling over the intro.

A secondary impression would be something a documentary/drama surrounding vietnam.

Oh, and I'm weird.
Well I managed to block out my usuall images of naked women, but on a side note when the song ended I found all my clothes on the floor neatly folded up.

Anyway I see it as maybe of a buildup of maybe Asian soldiers preparing to leave for battle.

But I'm really weird also.
I see the next Star Trek movie....


A film about a Ukrainian named Jack who fights the Nazi's in WWII with the help of an insivible elf.... haha, ok, I dont see that, it's from a Men In Hat's comic

But the flute sound definitely gives an asian feel.

I see like a sorts bustling outdoor city, marketplaces, metalworking, etc.... sort of shots going around the city showing all the activity, and establishing the setting, and the cretits fade in and out, when it finally comes to rest where two guys walk out of a building and start talking, one obviously foreign american looking guy with a hat and business suit, and one more rugged looking adventurer. Like the start of an indiana jones movie, or some sort of old retired elite combat guy saves the day against a bunch of corrupt baddies type film.