A song about Jupiter v2


Formerly "Dog-In-Door"
I posted this one a while back with sim drums. I got a friend to drum on it yesterday. Really impressed by him. He knocked out the four sections in 2-3 takes each and we were done in about twenty minutes.

edit: version 2
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Might it be better to continue the space sounds past 1:22 when the guitar first comes in? The snare is a little loud to my ear except in the section after 3:30 there are places where its volume is low, then comes back louder again.
I agree with Mike, let the space sounds fade out after the kick in. I also heard the same thing Mike did, snare real prominent (not sure about too loud), then if falls off after 3:30. I think you just had a volume glitch.

Overall, sounded pretty good. The drums did sound nice overall.
I listened to this yesterday but lost my Internet connection when I was going to comment. I thought the song was good and I really liked the playing, but I wasn't a big fan of the space sounds at the begining. They were kind of boomy
on the low end and I was surprised when the music kicked in and had a nice sounding low end to it. The space sounds get monotonous and I think you should cut the duration ...at least....in half.
Just one guys opinion of course. Overall great tune!
Nice. I immediately recalled this tune. I'd like to hear some recording details with the drum kit. They sound really nice to me.

For some crit-y kind of stuff...

There is some buildup in the guitars around the 800Hz area. This area has a tendency to cause guitars to sound congested, and I am really getting that sense here. It's less so in the last section, so it can likely be attributed to the heavier distortion I suppose. Listened through again, it's most prominent in the section that starts just after the 2 minute mark.

There's something that's not quite sitting right to me with the hard panned rhythm guitars throughout the song, but I can't really put my finger on what it is. I'm sorry, this is kind of a vague comment. Let me try a bit more. I feel like maybe I am just hearing two parts on opposing sides but rather than a sense of double tracked thickness, my mind is sorting them out very distinctly and the sense I am getting is one of very sharp demarcation. Are you picking up what I'm laying down here at all? I sure could use a little help... How about this: the rhythm guitars sound like they are lifted and separated a la wonderbra right now, and what I want is to have them pushed up and together like Scarlett Johansson. Better? Hopefully something makes sense here...

Anyways and otherwises, I think that this mix has a lot going for it. All the various tones and timbres are working really well for me (other than the above mentioned stuff). Nice job.
In the part before the drums, it was cool how the almost doubled guitars played off each other. Gave it a full sound.

Crunch guitars after the drums kicked it sounded good. Bass sounded good too.

Overheads had some swirliness to them. Might be a SoundCloud manglement. Snare sounded very good. Kick was good too, but I think it could come up a db or two.

I thought the lead guitar that came in around 3:30 had an out of tune note or two.

Overall, I thought it was real good.
I think you were able to record the drums pretty damn well. I think it sounds really good. Great guitar sound and bass.

BTW, still listening to your Black Sabbath stuff on rotation and it sounds great :thumbs up:
I remember this from the last post. Sounds great with the new drums on it. Brings the track alive a whole lot more.

Not a fan of instrumentals but this one managed to keep me interested for the duration.

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing :thumbs up: