Looking out on Mackinaw: New song with Easlern and Ibleedburgundy!

Ever been up through Charlevoix, Traverse City, Petoskey area? It's on my "round Lake Michigan" motorcycle route that I ride every so often (maybe this summer).

I am NOT an outdoors person. The mere thought of camping makes me break out and reach for the cortisone cream. I have been to Traverse City though. Nice little city - good food. Think we ate at a place called Mackinaw Brewing Co. good bbq food.
Just stay clear of that poison ivy, lots of it up there!

That's a drive from where I am. About 8 hours or so. Doesn't compare to my 32 hour road trip to Memphis, New Orleans, and Nashville last month though. In 4 days, as well. Should have dropped off demos while I was in Nashville.
Just listened to the google drive version. Sweet sound overall. The little sibilance on the lead vocal is not a big deal to me - I've been listening to some commercial mixes recently and hear much more than I ever remember, just because I'm listening for it. What I didn't like was the reverb on the lead vocal, just sounds too different from the instruments (although the drums are similar) - what kind of convolution/room (if any) are you using?
Thanks mjb. It's Ambiance, think I'm using one of the vocals presets. I'm pretty sure it's not just the reverb, but that together with the compression and EQ choices that are causing the unnatural sound. There's no reverb on the electric guitars, just delay which I tracked just because everybody says I shouldn't. ;)