Looking for feedback on Mix, and Song in general (Bed Of Roses)

I would consider ditching the percussion extras - not the instruments, but the off beats and accents. Some of those open hi hat hits are puzzling, to me. Not sure they're necessary or adding anything special. A more straightforward, simple beat might work better. Good song, slightly mismatched rhythm. That's just my opinion. Oh, and a more proper snare drum would be nice. The percussion gets too heavy for the sidestick stuff. Again, just my opinions. Good tune and performances.
I thought the vocal sounded pretty good. A bit thin, but not too bad. Nice backing vocals.

The big thing that stuck out to me was that there was no beat or pulse to the song. The kick/snare/bass are not providing the umph that they should be.

The shakers are a little loud and distracting in a few spots.

I liked the lead guitar sound.
The big thing that stuck out to me was that there was no beat or pulse to the song. The kick/snare/bass are not providing the umph that they should be.

That's it! I was wondering why I was getting a kind of muzaky vibe from the song. That conga (bongo?) doesn't have the oomph to fully replace a snare.
Has a latin feel to me. Yeah...your missing the drive of the song. The kick I can barely hear, but for certain does not have any bottom end. well, same thing for the bass.
Speaking of bass, there seems to be an odd note being played every other measure during the "because you and me..." part starting around 0:42. I am sure intentional but it stuck out to me.

I think the song is excellent and well played. I think it just needs some bottom end.