Latest Electronic track, looking for some compositional advice


New member
Hi guys, I'm working on a song at the moment which I think started off great as an idea but I am not sure if I am taking it in the right direction. Kind of like I got lost halfway through writing it?
I do like it but I would like to get some feedback on the composition and how it sounds from some of your perspectives before I jump back into the track. Or some suggestions to strengthen some of the weaker areas perhaps?

Anyway, enough preamble, here's the link :P

Edit - The player wont play a private track so here's the direct link
The overall sound is interesting.

My taste is for things to be more melodic.

The first half (up to around the 50 second mark) seemed melodically vague. I couldn't quite latch on to the changes.

At the 50 second mark, it emptied out a bit and became a whole heap more interesting, specially with the more unusual chords that appeared

Then, just before the end, it changed again and became somewhat chaotic.

You may like to consider extending that bit after 50 and adding something melodic for the listener to latch onto.

For the first but, the very intro bit came in a bit harshly (mainly because of the sounds you've used). You could afford to ease the listener into this a bit more,
I liked it. The low end though is tending to muddy things. I don't do electronica so I don't know how to do it, but I'd be looking for more low end definition and less low end 'wash'. My guess is that would entail compressors and gates and layering of samples. It'd be fun to try, anyway.
The overall sound is interesting.

My taste is for things to be more melodic.

The first half (up to around the 50 second mark) seemed melodically vague. I couldn't quite latch on to the changes.

At the 50 second mark, it emptied out a bit and became a whole heap more interesting, specially with the more unusual chords that appeared

Then, just before the end, it changed again and became somewhat chaotic.

You may like to consider extending that bit after 50 and adding something melodic for the listener to latch onto.

For the first but, the very intro bit came in a bit harshly (mainly because of the sounds you've used). You could afford to ease the listener into this a bit more,

It's funny you should mention that, I am normally drawn to a more melodic structure when I write but this is my first attempt at trying to move away from focusing too much on melody, which seems like an odd thing to say now that I think about it :P

My aim for this was to make my own sounds and give it texture and rhythm more than harmonies or obvious melody driven hooks. I think I can see now though that it is still important though and should still be utilised for a richer overall experience. It's still early though and most sections still need more layers until I am done meddling with it.

Thanks for your feedback, some great points you've raised :)
Thanks dobro, normally when I am done with a song I will separate out the bass tracks, backing and leads then cut the bass frequencies from the backing and leads and the 500hz+ from the bass to give them more definition but for the time being I'm just trying to nail where it's going first. Hopefully that should clear up some of the low end but to be fair there's nothing stopping me from doing it now so when I update I will apply it to my bass grouping and see if I can tighten it up a tad
it sounds too wide, the bass end doesn't feel mono enough to me, it also sounds out of phase and very thin in mono.
Good call, I've been trying different ways of getting an over all wider and fuller sound and I did use that technique on the bass tracks too, but I didn't notice the lack of 'umph' until you mentioned it so thanks!