Help with these vocals

Your'e driving yourself crazy. The diction could be clearer but there is not a lot wrong with how the vocal sits in the track. Or you might just want to share the fruits of your endeavors with a few receptive ears, as an occasional betting man I'd place my wager on the latter, the intro has one becoming impatient but overall it's pleasant listening.


Have you used a compressor+limiter on your vocal track? Volume wise it could do with tightening up and leveling out, maybe even taking down a notch or two after compression. Other than that it sits well eq wise with the track, maybe if you are feeling particularly picky you could go over the waveform and take out a few of the breaths in the verses but other than those few tiny things i think it sounds awesome. Great mix on the guitars!
I agree, the vocals could definitely use compression, as they are very dynamic. Still a very good production, vocals and otherwise.
I suggested vocal compression and limiter settings to you in the other thread, I think you were steered away because of the comments you got toward over-compressing the mix. You should give the settings I suggested a try, they wont change the overall tone and it will help the vox sit better.
Yeah, compression is something that could help. Though to be honest, I could only make out a few words. Sorry to be a dick, but there is a definite issue with annunciation here. The most important part of a vocal track (IMO) is being able to hear what is being said. Without that, well.....

I would track the vocals again, with more emphasis on making the words clear. It sounds like an uncontrolled live mic track off the board at a gig. Take some time to make it right. You got most of the mix sounding pretty good. I understand why you are going crazy.
I agree with the fact that you should add a little compression maybe. But overall, this sounds good.
intro is too long, sounds like the guitarist got tired doing same thing over and over and misses a click..intro is boring. u could have gone into the song 0:24 onwards with the kick instead of 0:37, that way the intro could sound nice. The cymbals in the starting lack lustre. when distortion kicks in song sounds good, but that synth in the background is slightly wierd ;P vocals dont blend in... i'm not a techie so can't suggest there..
sry for being blunt here!