For fans of Bungle, Estradasphere etc


New member
A new monicker for music unbounded by genre, which ironically fits in the so-called 'genre defying' or 'genre hopping' errrr genre. The monicker is called Carrousel of Life and I hereby present the first track, called F.R.O.. Let me hear your thoughts!

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Hey mysticnetherlan, i noticed nobody had commented on your song after a couple of days so i figured i'd throw in one of my rambles. I always liked mr bungle and i can see how this works in that context - the bit with the tabla and guitars reminded me of that song desert quest for techno allah or whatever it was called.

As a general observation this seems a bit all over the shop with no central focus or theme to tie all the vastly different parts together. Especially in the earlier parts it was all a bit thin, i can imagine some people saying it's just a collection of unrelated noises, but really all music is just that at it's core so i won't even enter into that quagmire of debate. Maybe a vocal line or some more vocal samples or environmental noise or whatever to give the piece some more continuity? Of course i don't know what the song is about, does F.R.O. stand for something, if so maybe reference that as the core theme.

At the one minute point or so, when the organ came in i could hear crackling that sounded like clipping, and the synth section around three minutes sort of sounded a bit too loud compared to the drums.

Having said all that it sounds like i've just dumped on your song, but in fact i did like most of the elements within it, chord progressions, harmonies, the overall structure and disparity in the sounds of the different sections. I reckon well done, just didn't sound 100% finished to me. I just think that most people who wouldn't define themselves as musicians would find much to latch onto in this, so most of my comments are probably in light of that. Hope you got some useful feedback out of that, told you it would be a ramble, thanks for the listen :)