An Album (I know...) From a Long-Time Member


Active member

Dear everyone, I've belonged to this board for quite some time and I've learned a lotl I hope I've contributed a little too. This is my new album thingy. Since I've been here, the promotion section seems to have gone. I'd still like mixing advice but, at this point, I just wanted to let all the people here who I care about and miss to hear what I've been working on. I hope you've remembered me.
Top marks for producing something original. Vocals are real good. The arrangements and composition are just on the right side of weirdness to be accessible. I got through the first 12 minutes or so which is pretty good for someone of my attention span. I'll come by later and check the rest of it
Top marks for producing something original. Vocals are real good. The arrangements and composition are just on the right side of weirdness to be accessible. I got through the first 12 minutes or so which is pretty good for someone of my attention span. I'll come by later and check the rest of it

Thanks a whole lot! Yeah, after talking to a few people, I think I'm going to try for around twelve minutes with my next release. With how busy people are now-a-days, a lot of people I showed it to listened going to work or something like that and twelve minutes seemed to be, across the board, how long they had for music consuption. Plus, a shorter album means fewer songs and more time to devote to each. What do you think?
good stuff mate looking forward to recording some acoustic stuff myself. Original sounding like it man. The problem with stuff like this and pretty much everyone here is I cant get this on vinyl haha. Had to make a new playlist for my youtube now and put stuff like this inside it
good stuff mate looking forward to recording some acoustic stuff myself. Original sounding like it man. The problem with stuff like this and pretty much everyone here is I cant get this on vinyl haha. Had to make a new playlist for my youtube now and put stuff like this inside it

Thanks a whole lot!!! Yeah, limited exposure makes it difficult to do anything with vinyl... which is a shame because I'd love to do it and have had a few people ask. I'm glad you dig it and I'd like to check out that playlist! Have a good'n!