Why is my exported wav or mp3 louder than playing in my DAW mixer?

Dave Matthews

Dave's not here
I use Samplitude MS, but this is happening in Audacity as well.
I captured some drums and bass as a test run last night. This morning I did a mix on it and exported the audio to mp3.
The mp3 is as loud as it was before I mixed/adjusted it (too hot) but playing it inside the DAW is the volume I want. What the... :cursing:
So I used a feature called "mix to file" which is supposed to create a wav of your mix next time you press play. Same thing.
I unplugged my USB Zoom sound/audio interface and tried it with the built-in laptop soundcard. Same thing.
I do not recall having this problem before. I'm obviously being a moron.:p
Is there a preference menu with bounce options? It sounds like normalising is happening automatically on bounce.
I don't know the software though, I'm afraid. Have a hoke and/or poke and see if you can see anything like that.