Handy vocal mixing "trick".

That Motown technique is the exact opposite of the London technique used around the same time in the sixties.

As I mentioned above about the lowpass, the motown version put a high pass on the compressed channel.

If anyone has read Behind The Glass by Howard Massey (if not, seek it out) you'll know back then just by listening to a mix you could tell if it came from London, or east or west coast america. Different compression techniques, diferent EQ styles...the brittish boards had the 4 band EQ with 2 mid sweeps...

With the internet the world has become a village, we're all incorporating a bit of everything we hear from all over the globe

WTF was I waffling on about 3 years ago? :confused::eek::D
I just reailsed that I can't use these tricks because I'm a terrible singer. I need some kind of spy/ espionage hardware that can change my voice and make it sing in any pitch I want it to sing in. It's fun to learn about all these things, but frustrating when you go and do it to your voice and it still sounds like snot....because it originates as snot. I should take up gardening or pigeon racing or something.
Ray I'm working on a 12 bar blues song right now....haha you should hear my voice on this one...ear slicingly bad!

er....back to the thread...
Ray I'm working on a 12 bar blues song right now....haha you should hear my voice on this one...ear slicingly bad!
Actually, that sounds perfect for a blues tune. Who would you rather hear singing the lyrics "Woke up this mornin'" or "My baby done me wrong", Howlin' Wolf or Mel Torme? :D

I don't even think Howlin' Wolf could make my lyrics sound good....my blues song is about fish, worms, birds, dogs, cats and turtles. It's more a children's song I suppose!
I don't even think Howlin' Wolf could make my lyrics sound good....my blues song is about fish, worms, birds, dogs, cats and turtles. It's more a children's song I suppose!
Hmmm, I have riffs of Schoolhouse Rock running through my head. If you know how a bill becomes law, you could become a legend! :D

Just wanna say thanks so much for this tip :) I just used it in my mix and my vocals sound so much better. I don't have much experience with being my own engineer lol, and I was wondering how to make my vocal sound a little more professional and like all my favourite bands (tall order, I know) and this has definitely brought me a leap closer to that..not bad for a home studio recording anyway. So thanks! You rawwk ;)

The manual can be downloaded at the site ; you can do the aforementioned FX and much, much more since there are many modulation Sources/targets also .
You can make the pitch values move a bit , which makes things a little less static ; although you "should" only be mixing a little bit of the wet effect part anyways .
Really , you can go mild or Really wild with this thing. It's nice to have the delays and PS in one package for convience.

This developer does'nt do demos , but instead offers a return period . (see site for details )

Ugh, I still haven't figured out how to do this in Cubase! :(


Copy the main vocal track twice.

Pan one copy hard left, the other copy hard right. Double-click on one of the part on one of the copies to open up the sample editor, then go to Audio -> Process -> Pitch Sift. Pitch shift this track by 12 cents (although I'd recommend playing with this amount, sometimes using smaller amount of pitch shift would work better). Make sure you select the options to keep the time/lenght of the part/sample the same. Click OK to pitch shift. At this point Cubase will ask you if you want to apply this to all the parts or create new. Click "create new" otherwise you will pitch shift the original and the copies.

Do the same to the other copy, except shift it down by -12 cents.

Once you're done, you don't even need to use a delay plugin. Just nudge the copied tracks a bit to the right.
Thanks for that link!

So with this plug-in, all I have to do is put +0012 on the left and -0012 on the right to achieve the effect?

Sorry to bump an old thread, but can someone answer the above question in relation to that plug in? With this is there no need to create seperate tracks?