compression help and tips needed for sequenced music


New member
i am after help on compression processes with sequenced, sample based music (in this case hip hop, with programmed samples drums, samples, sub bass, and some live instruments - genrally relatively few elements).

can anyone give genreal advice??

- on compressing drum elements, is this normally done as one [ie all drums compressed together], or would you compress elements, such as kick and snare separetely.

- would you add some compression to all the elements in the track [eg samples and live instrumentation]

- how does bass relate to drums in compression

- what is a good starting point for compression ratios in sequenced music [i know ultimately it is what sounds best], especially on the drums

any help is mad apreciated - just after general tips at the mo (don't need to know about finalsation multi band compression for the time being

cheers tom

btw i'm using Sonar/atari
First off, I'm no expert mixer, but I know enough to make my mixes sound I'm sure someone more pro than me will come behind me and elaborate what I'm about to say..

I generally compress the kick & snare together, and sometimes even use the same settings on the bass guitar if it sounds right.

Vocals I usually compress heavily, since you want them to be the same volume whether you're singing quietly or screaming...otherwise you're going to traumatize your listeners...

Other live instruments I'd say you'd want to compress some too...I usually use a modest amount of compression on my guitar when I'm recording in...keeps the levels even and gives the guitar more presence & punchiness

Honestly, it's not that hard to figure out...just screw around with the settings and you'll be able to figure out right away what sounds good. And isn't that really the only rule in mixing - to make it sound good?