Adding sine waves to a kick drum


Formerly "Dog-In-Door"
I'm trying to do what he does in this video but it isn't working.

5 Minutes To A Better Mix: Kick Drum Low End - - YouTube

I have everything set up the exact same way:

A kick drum track with a mono bus send that is acting as the key input to a mono aux channel with a signal generator. The aux track isn't reacting at all to any input that I send it. I'm using Pro Tools as well so I'm using the exact same plug-ins.

What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?

I have no idea what you're doing wrong but it seems simple enough. Are you sure you followed every step that he did in the video? Did you un-mute the bus?

I don't use Protools so can't test it that way but I'm going to have a go with Reaper.
Is your send fader pulled down? They are by default.
edit. Just realised that's what clean meant.

Trace the steps pal..there aren't many. ;)
I've just replicated this in Reaper. Took me longer to record a Kick drum than to set up the Sinewave and Gate.

I just sent to Kick drum track straight to the Sinewave bus with the Gate. (In the video he creates a separate send. Kick> Bus>Sinewavebus - You can miss out the middle part)

Make sure you gate is note set too threshold is not too low. My 60.0hz Hum disappeared at -12.0db in my gate. (Sonitus) - You want it to just disappear at the gate threshold so when the kick sound coming into the to bus, opens the gets and releases the Sinewave along with the Kick.

Hope this helps. :thumbs up:
Ok, lemme write down what I'm doing.

1. I have a stereo kick drum track
2. I create a mono aux track
3. Enter signal generator plug-in into aux track, generate 60 Hz wave
4. Enter gate plug-in into aux track, have it cancel out the wave at a ratio of 100:1
5. Create mono send from kick track to bus 11
6. Use bus 11 as key input for gate

The bus send is set to unity gain
Also doesn't work if I use a stereo aux track
The aux track doesn't react to anything :/
Seems right.
What order are the plugs in?
Signal generator should be first then the gate should follow.
In reverse order you'll just have a constant tone.

If you remove the gate altogether do you hear a tone? That's the first thing to be sure of.
If you do, add the gate back in and manually operate the threshold. Can you make the Sine cut in and out?
If so, raise the threshold and hit play. Do you see the kick triggering the gate plug at all?
Oh, I think I've got it.

In the gate plug you set the key input AND you click on the key symbol at the top right to activate it.
Yeah, but not everyone was listening! :p

Seriously, 4:07? This takes about 15 seconds to set up and a further 6 to explain. I don't blame anyone for missing that. ;)
Yeah, but not everyone was listening! :p

Seriously, 4:07? This takes about 15 seconds to set up and a further 6 to explain. I don't blame anyone for missing that. ;)

Clearly. lol

I know, I did it in no time and I have no such button. Something to remember for the future though. Interesting little trick.

:thumbs up:
Certainly can.

1. Create a new track. (Name it, i.e, Sub Bass)

2. Add Synthesis/tonegenerator to the track. (You'll find it in the JS: Synthesis/tonegenerator just search for 'tone')

3. Change the \base frequency(Hz) to whatever you want it to be. Around 50-60 is good. You can type it in rather than use the slider ;)

4. Add a Gate to the track. (I used Sonitus Gate but you can use Reagate - VST: ReaGate

5. Lower the threshold (db) on the gate until the wave disappears. Around -12db

6.Set the Detector Input to Aux Input L+R (Highlighted below in Red)


7. Create a send on your bass drum track and send the output to AUX 3/4 (Highlighted below in Red)



Here's an example that I did in a couple of minutes in Reaper. First 9 secs with the sinewave, next 9 without.


You can adjust your levels to taste etc when you have it set up, faders, threshold, attack and whatnot. That'll be whatever you prefer or require for the particular kick sound.

Hope that makes sense. :thumbs up:
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Certainly can.

1. Create a new track. (Name it, i.e, Sub Bass)

2. Add Synthesis/tonegenerator to the track. (You'll find it in the JS: Synthesis/tonegenerator just search for 'tone')

3. Change the \base frequency(Hz) to whatever you want it to be. Around 50-60 is good. You can type it in rather than use the slider ;)

4. Add a Gate to the track. (I used Sonitus Gate but you can use noisegate - JS: Misc/noisegate

5. Lower the threshold (db) on the gate until the wave disappears. Around -12db

Then you just send to create a send on your bass drum track and send it to the track you created, i.e, Sub Bass.


Here's an example that I did in a couple of minutes in Reaper. First 9 secs with the sinewave, next 9 without.


You can adjust your levels to taste etc when you have it set up, faders, threshold, attack and whatnot. That'll be whatever you prefer or require for the particular kick sound.

Hope that makes sense. :thumbs up:

Awesome! many thanks. will be trying this this weekend.:D
Certainly can.

1. Create a new track. (Name it, i.e, Sub Bass)

2. Add Synthesis/tonegenerator to the track. (You'll find it in the JS: Synthesis/tonegenerator just search for 'tone')

3. Change the \base frequency(Hz) to whatever you want it to be. Around 50-60 is good. You can type it in rather than use the slider ;)

4. Add a Gate to the track. (I used Sonitus Gate but you can use noisegate - JS: Misc/noisegate

5. Lower the threshold (db) on the gate until the wave disappears. Around -12db

Then you just send to create a send on your bass drum track and send it to the track you created, i.e, Sub Bass.


Here's an example that I did in a couple of minutes in Reaper. First 9 secs with the sinewave, next 9 without.


You can adjust your levels to taste etc when you have it set up, faders, threshold, attack and whatnot. That'll be whatever you prefer or require for the particular kick sound.

Hope that makes sense. :thumbs up:
Doesn't this cause the kick sound to also come through that sine wave track? I don't ever do this, so don't know if that's an issue, but I thought we were talking about side-chaining. In Reaper, that would require sending the kick drum to some channel on the sine track which is not being used (3/4 probably) and making the gate follow that.