Cd distorting on a discman but not in pc. distorts the same at different volumes.
I have no idea of what is happening, I'm thinking about if it is possible that i'm doing something wrong on bouncing or dithering or something that an audio interface is not detecting because it reproduces at 24 bit but discman, which reproduces at 16 bit it is detecting.
Someone know if something like this is possible?
Thank you again...
It seems that the problem is the Logic's Adaptive Limiter. Probably too much gain.
But I can not comprehend why I only can hear the distortion on the discman.
I'm getting crazy?
It seems that the problem is the Logic's Adaptive Limiter. Probably too much gain.
But I can not comprehend why I only can hear the distortion on the discman.
I'm getting crazy?
I never use the Adaptive Limiter myself, because it's design is to add some color, so who knows what's going on.

Try re-mastering. With no FX on the Master Out channel (and removing any limiting you may have on your recorded tracks), create a new alternative, bounce-in-place, deleting (or muting) the original. Then apply a utility Gain plug or change the stereo region's gain if necessary, e.g., if it's peaking well below -6. Then I'd think about a little compression (the colorless Platinum to start), followed by the Limiter, with the upper limit set to about -.3dBFS. Crank it up until you see it hitting, then dial it back so there's maybe just a couple/few in the entire song. Bounce that and burn a disk and try it.
I remastered without adaptive limiter and I had the same result. I don't know what I can fucking do.
I think I'd try the player on fresh batteries or a power supply, and with different headphones.
Might seem like a long shot but when you're stuck all you can do is rule things out.
Ah, I have tried in another discman with the same result.

You guys are repeating yourselves. He already tried a second discman.

Do you have any other types of CD player that you can try? Is it just the two discmans and the laptop?
You guys are repeating yourselves. He already tried a second discman.

Do you have any other types of CD player that you can try? Is it just the two discmans and the laptop?

Unless I've missed it, we don't know if the headphones/batteries were consistent between players or what the blue line is, and we don't have a copy of the audio. <- [MENTION=198773]pre[/MENTION]
Hi [MENTION=45867]VomitHatSteve[/MENTION], thank you for your help.
I have my macbook with an (one day internal) external CD player, 2 discman, one of them bought in fnac 3 days ago and a old pentium with his own recorder, which I have tried with the same results.
I now think that, in some way that I can't comprehend, I'm distorting my audio in a non detecting way for the computers but yes for the discman.
I don't know...
[MENTION=43272]Steenamaroo[/MENTION] yes I use the same headphones and the batteries are new.
You can hear a fragment of one song. You tell me if you can hear any distortion. Me not. Until I burn it and listen on the discman.

Dropbox - k.aif
I'd definitely try other headphones to rule those out, unless you've been using the same headphone with your laptop?

I guess with that clip being so short I'm meant to hear something obvious?
I don't. ;)

I'm listening on Mackie HR624s, and Beyer DT770s.

Edit: I do hear some backing ground creaking of either a chair of maybe clothing creaking against the guitar body.
That's not it, is it? - Right on 0:02 in that clip.
I always use the same headphones.
No, those are normal cracks on the record (for me).
When I burn a CD, one of the notes, the sixth in concrete, distorts at 1 or 2 o'clock, more or less.
Thank you for your time.
Sorry man, I'm really stumped then.
Ordinarily I'd assume something unintentional was happening during the burn process but you've ruled that out with your before/after images.
Hopefully someone comes up with something but I hear no distortion here. :(
I don't really hear anything except the background noises, reverb, etc.

Here's my light compression, limited version. Does it distort too? If so, I'd ignore the Discman, TBH. Heaven knows what year that codec was written.

Dropbox - k2.aif

P.S. What is the original project sample/bit-depth? If it’s not 16-bit do you have dithering enabled in the bounce?
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It's 24, but yes i try with different dither...
Thank you so much, same result with your k2.
I will ignore it... Can't do anything more.
Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it.
Do both channels distort when it happens? I'm noticing that the left channel is 3 dB lower than the right on that 6th, high note.
Some quick Ducking suggests some other possible sources:

1. Overloaded CD - when CDs are close to their maximum capacity, edge case failures are more likely
2. Cheap CD-R - Some brands work better than others
3. Dirty laser - Probably not as likely, but it's possible that both your discmans are failing in a similar way.
4. Dirty power - Did you put in new batteries and clean the contacts?