What Difference Does It Make?

I'm just saying, for the very small few who have the prerequisite talent, who work hard, and who treat the music industry like the business that it is, it's unfair to say their career is built on luck.
That very small few have earned what they have.

That's true enough. But I expect that for each of those small few, there are thousands of others who also have the prerequisite talent, who work hard and who treat the music like a business . . . and never get anywhere, through not necessarily any fault of their own. They are the unlucky ones who weren't in the right place at the right time.
for each of those small few, there are thousands of others who also have the prerequisite talent, who work hard and who treat the music like a business . . . and never get anywhere, through not necessarily any fault of their own. They are the unlucky ones who weren't in the right place at the right time.
When wasn't that the case ? As far back as the 30s and Charlie Parker grizzling about getting nowhere when others without his talent became household names, there has been this thing about what it takes to get somewhere in the music business. I don't think it's only luck. I don't think it's only hard work. It's a combo of different things and the different eras have always dictated how that combination works out in reality.
Times change.
We'll only know for sure the day the world ends and it won't matter by then !