Lady Gaga Channeling PT Barnum, Its all about the Marketing.



So last month I went to Dallas to visit my brother. Back in February he invited me down and said he had picked up tickets to Lady Gaga. I thought he meant he bought them for my daughter, wife, and his wife and while the gals were watching Gaga me and him would go get a beer or something. Nope. He said he wanted to see how she marketed herself.

Not being a pop music person (Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Reggae yes. ) I knew one of her songs from my daughter. I was expecting a bunch of young girls and kids watching this thing. When I got there it looked like I had stumbled into a Gay Pride parade putting on a Rave light show, and this was the audience. Most of the “men” were out Gaga-ing the Lady herself, and doing a pretty good job. I walked into the rest room and ran straight into a 1980s Grace Jones. I backed up to make sure I was in the men’s room, but realized that classification didn’t matter at this event.

So, Lady Gaga put on a great show. Like those before her, she made sure she was late to build up anticipation. The show started at 7:30PM. but she didn’t appear until about 10PM. Over Six wardrobe changes including one on stage where her modesty was completely absent.

I got the impression she is a talented self-made woman who works her ass off, and employees her mother, and sister to help with the act. She is also a firm believer in PT Barnum’s motto that nobody ever went broke underestimating Americans appetite for crap.
That is not to say the concert/event wasn’t any good. It was quite good and even great if you like that genre of music, which I don’t. But my brother had a good point. Its all in the marketing.