Yusufmalik.com<- Website I Made...


New member
Peep out the site and give me some of that good feedback.

Sites not even halfway done but it's draggin on cuz my head is in fifty different places right now. Everything on the site was done up by me cept the music and singing. I got way more shit but none of it's finished or organized and the whole ideas on how to place em aren't down yet. I got a few dope FLASH pieces but some second thoughts about doing an all flash site and yadda yah... Some video and other dope shit coming... Just got find the ryhme and reason... Dig?

I know most of ya'll heard those songs on the music page already but if you go to the store and peep the cd it's some more joints up in there. I think you can hear about 8 in all. You may can hear me spit on LIKE DAT if it plays long enough... I also did tthe album intro and some skit work... We decided to wait on the label to jump up til August and/or stack some e-cheese while preparing for the next album cuz we'z real broke (hint, hint..). And since you're at the store (hint, hint...)...

For real though if it's something about the site you not feeling, think needs to done up, or really wanting to see pop off then let me now cuz I need to put some flame on this thing for my boy. He's one of the few cats I got that's really trying to get his shit off... He's doing a good job under the circumstances.

Let me know...
The site looks good so far, although I know next to nothing about web design. The "You make the video" idea is excellent, always a good idea to get other cats involved.

I couldn't get any of the tracks to play though. The player pops up, but just sits there. Couldn't download either, but that's probably because the samples are streams.

I'll break each page up for ya:



Nowt wrong here.


Nothing seems wrong here.

The thanks for visiting message could come up a little bit.


The white text doesn't stand out unless it is bold, so I would make it bold.

I don't think the orange really works for the welcome message, I think it should be the same colour as the one on the home page.


This is fine too.

Exept the red text clashes and is almost lost against the background.

The white text should be made bold as well I think.

The actual player looks very nice although I think it'd look better if the dials didn't have a white background.


Right, this is what I'd do - put the background to the same as the others and have links saying "Pic 1", "Pic 2", etc. and when you click on the link make it pop up a new window with the image in it.

At the moment it doesn't look organised enough.


Well it's another site so there's nothing to comment on - though I like the animated logo.

I would make it so the links to all the page (home, news, etc.) was in the same frame as the title "Yusuf Malik" so that when people go to the store it blends into the site and they can still access the other pages.


Fine as it is.

If you wanted it a bit more snazzy, you could change it to "Contact" and the page could say "click here to e-mail yusuf malik" or summit like this.

You could also have a poll and a questionaire both of which you can get from www.bravenet.com

For the poll - you could just put it on this page or all the pages or maybe another page you think would suit it best.

For the questionaire, I forget what it's called on bravenet but you could have some text that when you click it opens a new window like the pictures with a link to the page with the questionaire, which will be e-mailed to you when the button is clicked the link could go to a page saying thanks or something.


This is fine.

Sometimes it looks a bit disorganised.

For the news section (and some of the others perhas, where necessary) you could put all the information in as tables with a date to when that info was added, know what I mean?

I can give you an example if you need it.

Keep it up, man.

Looking good so far.
Preciate the comments... ABYYSS got me really thinking on some shit now...

I actually typed this yesterday but didn't post it... Don't even remember why.

Trying to figure out how to make this more impressive minus stupid parlor tricks... I had a really dope intro pictures that responded like button when you press them and all. The program expired on me...:( Also considering some audio...

My approach...

Home - I want this page to be ten times more informative but i'm lacking some on the media side. This is the page where I feel a person should be able to linger the longest so it needs to be the most interesting. Don't really want a lot of flash here though cuz nt everybody can run that. I also need enough bits and pieces here to encourage the veiwer to check out the rest of the site to though. The nucleus... Still haven't figure out how to tie em all toghether here just yet.

News- I'm workin on a version of this page where YUSUF and label cats can make updates using a form and not have to edit the html. Have the it auto date with each entry and all.. I'm also looking at a few calander type things and some clocks that have pop-up alarms.

Bio- Some kinda scrollin page hopefully... Various pictures fading in and out in the backround (I hope).

Music- That radio joint was my first real flash piece. Pretty much just slapped together... The meters and the gray outlines around the buttons was just to much to work out at 6 something in the morning... Got LAZI... I started on a second version of the radio with flashing buttons, song info flashing on the screen, and the whole nine but my program expired. :( ... mad cuz this one had all the snippets in it to.

Pics- I''m working on a flash version for this page. 10 little picture icons that'll swap out on a mouse press... I have several different picture frames made up already. When I decide on which one I just gotta resize everything up proper like... I'm also thinking on some kinda pop up options for a small flash movie. It can be loading up while the visitor views the snaps... The fool didn't give me an interview while he was at home so scratch hearing it from the man himself.

Store- If you notice that spot is a double framed joint. When I get my goods in I plan to do a flash movie showing the actual goods being modeled and all. I'm also planning to do a wave files samples disk to sell on his site and we got posters but the bitches won't size right.

Email- We haven't worked out all the email details just yet. When we decide on who's doing what on the team then that'll get organized toa page. Will probably make a pop up page with the addys...

Plans... Day dreams or wishful thinking probably....

Get my site and tie them in together...

Artists pages- Ya know the artists...

Producers page... Beats!!! Lab work videos... Free sample and loops, links to other producers and resources link this good ole site, some instrumentals to bang, and a game type thing. Some video updates of the lab work when we start on his new joints.

BBS- It's like a Bently... Ya know everbody got have one... LOL...

Thanks to you... I'ma work on a comments and feeback form and a guestbook page.. Gotta figure out how to setup the form for those . I'ma also have to check out that polls thing.

Preciate ya...

Damn near 70 views.. (just shaking my head)

Where's the participation? When I blow up (lol) don't be coming around then cuz I don't know ya... ;)