where do you sit your vocals?


i was wondering if anyone would just drop some tips on vocal placement for that up front effect. i have been experimenting lately with a few songs but when listening to other songs, not necessarily commercially recorded, but right here on this forum, the vocals seem more up front. canine704's vocals are right in your face. i hear that panning can bring them up, and reverb can wash them out. i've read that it is better to leave the vocals str8 up the middle and pan for chorus, but when i double my vocals they sound better panned. i read somewhere in this forum, maybe it was just hypothetical, but it said that jay z's vocals are l64 r64.
i would really appreciate it some tips.

physical therapy a.k.a phizical thoroughpy.
i cant help you on this one but i can point you in the right direction. PM wargasm cuz he got the vocals thing down tight. he had his vocals so tweeked for step by step that i literally had to do nothing with them
RAM..this was a old thread the Jug(RedCross) asked years back..that i found when doin a search..i know he has it down like he wants them now...if not we can alway throw out some different tips..but im pretty sure he got it do..
I was wondering i gues i better start checking the dates on these post. a lot of old stuff has been coming to the front. i saw one of my old post from when i very fist found this forum years ago
yeah..alot of newbies are actually doin a search before they post..so that why we see alot of the old post..and if you looking for tips on something specific..you know someone already ask it..

which is always good