Studio Pics


New member
I know there's a forum for Studio Building and Display but I thought it would be cool to post studio pics here. Of everyone here I've only seen Lazi and Crossstudio's work environment. Anyone else got some pics we could check out?

Here's some of my studio. The pictures aren't great as the development was messed up, but good enough to see everything.

Here's the full studio, you can see the vocal booth in the upper right hand corner.



  • fullstudio.webp
    14 KB · Views: 2,140
Here's the production area (NOTE: the DR-5 is missing from the key rack).


  • productionarea.webp
    20.4 KB · Views: 1,973
Thanks Spin.

I've seen those already, but I don't know any of the owners of any of the studios, on top of the fact (as far as I can tell) none of the pics are of studios doing hip-hop or any form of electronica. That's why I'm posting this here.

I'd like to see production studios from regulars on this forum or anyone else doing hip-hop/electronica who may be reading this. Anyone?

Cool Barrage.

I just found another one. This is a collage of the evolution of my studio up until last year (the other pics I posted are from this year). You'll see I've had basement and bedroom set ups until last year when I finally leased myself a studio (converted classroom).

The pics on the top span from '96 - 2000 from left to right. The bottom row is the room I'm in now but from ast year.



  • evolution.webp
    46.9 KB · Views: 1,920

That's one of the reasons I posted the Evolution pic. I don't want people to get the wrong idea. The studio I have now is the result of a lot of time, money and effort, but you have to start some place you know.

My first studio probably cost twice as much as a PC with good multritracking software these days. And with that I was recording to standard cassettes, no multitracking capabilities and very lofi quality, but I learned a lot.

You build as you go. These days everyone is downsizing and going for all software environments so most people are probably looking at the same set up as you. Nothing wrong with that as long as it gets the job done.

Yeah, as long as I can record the most valuable thing to me - my voice.

*chokes on pot noodle*


Under forum rules it says IMG code is off. That being the case I don't think you can do it. Normally you'd just use IMG and /IMG in brackets.

Can members turn IMG code on and off or is that up to the admin?


I must of misunderstood you. I thought you were asking how to make it so the picture is visible right in the actual post. Like the smiley faces.

All you need to do is go down to Attach File (in the Reply section it's right under Options) and browse for the picture on your PC. Then once you post your reply the attachment will be there.

That's how I did it.

NO... You understood me right. Your pics shot up when i open up this thread. As far as I know my pics don't ever do this...

PS- i plan to delete all these last posts.
LAZI said:
NO... You understood me right. Your pics shot up when i open up this thread. As far as I know my pics don't ever do this...

PS- i plan to delete all these last posts.

Really, all I see is ATTACHMENT: ****.jpg, which I have to click on to open up the pic.

Anyhow, I've never seen that picture. Looks like a very productive work area. Some questions though;

1. To the left of the rack and almost in front of your right monitor is that a laptop? If so what program is open?
2. The TV (monitor) you have on top of the wooden rack is that CCTV? So you can see who's coming down the hallway?
3. To the right of the TV it looks like you have a makeshift wall, is that your vocal booth?
4. How do you use the patchbay? For effects, mixer channels, what?
5. What is on top of the Alesis unit (DM Pro I think) and right next to the 1010?
6. What is under the patchbay and next to the MIDIMan 3x8?
7. Where is your studio? It looks a warehouse wall behind all the equipment.

Anyone else have some studio pics??

Stray, i see what's going on now... In your USR setup area you got a option of seeing pictures attached as ATTACHMENT or just displaying them automatically. I switched mines to show the pics. I was trying to link a pic but I think it'll only show attachments.

To answer you questions...

1. Yes... That's my IBM P3 Thinkpad. That's SONAR XL 1.0.

2. Yes... I got a hidden camera outside. Very secluded area... I do real late hours and wanna know if cats creeping me.

3. Yes... Crackhead built iso booth. Not that great but good enough. No talkback mic so I didn't bother hooking it up tight.

4. I only run a few things from the patch bay right now like the MPC ins, ASR ins, mixer busses so I can tap into the VS1680 without pulling wires, inputs to the compressor, and inputs for the UA5 usb souncard for my laptop. Everything runs to the regular destinations until I patch it somewhere else. Like in that pic I got mixer busses 1 and 2 routed to the MPC... Plan to patch up everything (ins and out) next year sometime.

5. Yep... JV1010... No cards...

6. That's a 5 input 1 out midi switch box by Roland. Dope little joint I found at a music store for 20 bucks used. I can switch between controllers and master clocks at the push of a button. With the 3 inputs on the 3x8 I can flip a couple switches and have anything controlling anything.

7. I got my setup in a 10x20 temperature controlled storage unit. 24 hours, secure, secluded, free elec., 175/month, and all me.

You got a tight setup yourself there STRAY. Digging the U shaped work area. 2 sets of monitors... If I had the space that's how i'd do it. Do you record vocals with that
LAZI said:
7. I got my setup in a 10x20 temperature controlled storage unit. 24 hours, secure, secluded, free elec., 175/month, and all me.

You got a tight setup yourself there STRAY. Digging the U shaped work area. 2 sets of monitors... If I had the space that's how i'd do it. Do you record vocals with that

Thanks Lazi. That's pretty close to what I'm paying. $120/month including all utilities, but no real security. I'm on the 4th floor of an old high school. The room is 25 X 25. I had to buy insurance though and that cost me $400/year, but on top of equipment coverage I also have liability coverage for up to 1000 people I think, for live performances and classes.

Yeah I do vocals with my set up. I have a vocal booth in the very front of the room, you can see it in the FullStudio pic (it's in the upper right hand corner). I use a Shure KSM27.

I did some mild sound treatment because I was dealing with such a big room with hard surfaces. It's the grey material you see throughout the pics. It's just your standard carpet padding, real cheap, comes on rolls and does a real good job.

The 2 sets of monitors are nice because I'm always in the sweet spot and I'm real familiar with both sets.

Any other studio pics?
