Really Need Feed On This One Fam

it's good

imma tell you from a rappers standpoint

liked the voice sample,,couldn't understand what it says tho,
if it was a sample.
the kicks where too chopped up
too spaced,,,let em ride,,,theres nothing better.
love the feel tho,,i could see,a bunch of styles being used on this beat
and thats cool,,and what alot of artist look for

overall,,hella nice
thanks for the feed but one thing i don't get is the kicks being chopped you mean the actual kick itself or the beat of the kicks? :confused:
idk bout this one raf. i wasn't feelin it at all til around 1 min. when some more instruments kicked in , i would say get rid of everything before 1 min. cuz not every beat needs an introduction ya mean? this could be a banger change the kick to a less pop soundin kick and see how that sounds overall good beat tho