Reading all these problems


in this forum is making me rethink what I am going to do.
Reminds why I have stayed out of the computer all this time in the first place.
Majority of the problems I have read in the last few years have been user errors. There is a learning curve, regardless if Mac or Windows since the hardware is not typical consumer equipment. I do think once you you get past learning some of the technical (read computer understanding), someone with your knowledge of recording would blow through this stuff with little issues.

Hardware wise, the interfaces hook up pretty easy and are pretty stable. Routing wise, you should already have this down to an art. There is nothing different than you are already use too. After the hardware hook up (99% sure it will be without issue for you), your problem will be just getting use to the DAW environment.
That's what I thought 5 years ago, too! It really is user issues now. Typically, everything is as easy as: download drivers and DAW, install, plug in interface, get settings correct in the DAW and record.
Is there a learning curve - sure, but there is one with any gear (including a stand-alone recorder), too. The ability to automate and be able to undo/redo in a DAW makes a recorder seem, well ... old-fashioned. I commend the folks in the old days who didn't have the digital world to help them, and anyone who produces good music and mixes today with a stand-alone recorder, too.
Is there a learning curve - sure, but there is one with any gear (including a stand-alone recorder), too.

I looked at the stand-alone recorders, since they have so little surface, they have to combine a lot of functions using various methods that do not seem standard. I think there is a big learning curve with these. And if you do switch interfaces, then you have to relearn pretty much from scratch.

After some research, I am not a big fan of the stand-alone recorders. A laptop and decent interface seems easier in the long run. But I agree, those who can make analog and stane-alone recorders work really have a lot of patience and talent.