computer organizing ideas...


we don't need rest!!
Hey all...some basic, if not simple ideas, but hopefully clearly explained. Many don't realize that their audio recording software allows for "per project" folders or similar, and I have a couple of suggestions for taking that organization another step or two further.

The video's a bit long-winded, but it is an important part of the recording process to get sorted out as soon as possible. Not organizing my files well has bit me more than once!
Didn't watch the video, but oddly enough not all DAW's do this. Vegas doesn't (at least as of version 9) - you can set up a default recording folder, but if you want to save & record things to per-project folders, have to explicitly tell every project where to record. It won't even default to the folder where the project file is saved.

In Reaper, creating a new project for each folder is optional and IIRC, not enabled by default.