Sonar and SB Audigy Platinum: Perfect together?


New member
Any comments on the compatability of SONAR with the Creative Labs SoundBlaster Audigy Platinum sound card? I already have the sound card, just want to make sure SONAR is a good fit.
Yes, it should work fine. Just don't expect to do any 24-bit recording with the Audigy since it is 24-bit audio PLAYBACK only.
How much of a dump in sound quality am I going to take because of this? I didn't know about this limitation when I built the computer ot I'd have gone a different way.

Are there any affordable cards I can run in tandem with this one just for recording? Does that even work?

Thanks for your help.
The audigy is only 16bit in and out but does 24bit internal processing. It is not a pro spec card for recording. You can either check out the Delta cards or get a preamp with digital outs so you can bypass the DAC's on the Audigy(if your Audigy has digital in's).

You can get 2 cards to work but it's a bit of a crapshoot.
Forgive my ignorance, but please define DAC's.

The card has optical in and out, SPDIF (define?) in and out, MIDI's, and RCA's. Is any of that helping? I want to get a mixer with mic preamps (probably the standard Mackie) to use on the way in. Will that also resolve the issue?

Thanks again.