Size of Laptop Screen


New member
I am planning to buy a Laptop primarily so I can spend some music time during my train commute to and from work. I am looking for a good balance between screen size and weight as I will need to walk a number of blocks on a daily basis with the computer and all of my other work things. I was wondering what size screen is the smallest I should reasonably consider if I am using sequencing and other music software. I was thinking about a 14" widescreen, but the weight of a 12.1" is very appealing.

Note that my home system is a desktop.

I get aggravated using a 17 inch monitor with Digital Performer. I'm constantly moving and resizing windows and closing others. So, I wish I had a two monitor setup or something larger. Having said that, I don't see any reason why you couldn't use a 12 or 14 inch laptop. It's only extra clicking and draging! And when you add in the cost of some larger laptops (like the 17 inch Mac PowerBook) it seems like a lot to pay for convenience. Of course, this depends on the complexity of your sequencing and music software and how you are using it. If you are just mixing, you may only have a single window open. And some software sequencers (especially less full-featured packages) have very simple interfaces.
Thanks dwillis.

I think I am going to go for a 14 inch. I went to the store and checked them out and at that size the laptops tend to run around 5 pounds.

I have a desktop for home and that is where I will be doing the more serious work so I guess I can put up with a little frustration. The 12 inch models were great in terms of weight, but I would like to be able to see a little more.